The Knowledge Management Solutions is the first Omani organization to provide niche expertise in the field of Knowledge Management and ISO 30401 Knowledge Management System Standards. The company has been founded by Prof. Suleiman Tobi along with Santhosh Shekar. Professor Suleiman was the pioneer to start Knowledge Management at PDO, Oman a decade ago and since then he is providing though leadership in this region promoting KM
Read MoreMitigate enterprise risk with Effective KM strategy
Start your Knowledge management journey with ISO 30401 Knowledge Management standard
to achieve organisational excellence

KM Advisory and Strategic Services
Our firm provides KM Strategy development for all kinds of industries. We work with Management to develop KM Policy and holistic KM strategy to empower organizations and individuals in the organization We help organizations to build their custom developed KM framework, develop KM roadmap.

Knowledge management Assessments Services
We offer KM assessments to organization who are willing to assess the organizational knowledge flow and knowledge constraints within the company. W.r.t Knowledge assets, Experts management, knowledge retention

ISO 30401 KMS
Our firm expertise in ISO 30401 KMS has globally second accredited ISO 30401 KMS auditor and certifier. He is also the author of book “design knowledge management system”. We provide ISO 30401 KMS based capability development programs for executives to knowledge workers in organisations.
The Knowledge Management Solutions is the first Omani organization to provide niche expertise in the field of Knowledge Management and ISO 30401 Knowledge Management System Standards. The company has been founded by Prof. Suleiman Tobi along with Santhosh Shekar. Professor Suleiman was the pioneer to start Knowledge Management at PDO, Oman a decade ago and since then he is providing thought leadership in this region promoting KM

Since 1998,
Operating in Birmingham.

Senior Advisor to Ejaad (RDI Programme, under MoHERI).
Advisory/Supporting roles MEM/SLPG
Part time Lecturer & Industrial/Academic Fellow, MU
39 Years Oil & Gas – Several roles, Oman & Nigeria.
- Doctorate (DBA) Knowledge Management
- Master (MBA) of Business Administration
- Degree Electrical Engineering
44+ years’ experience of which 39 years of Oil and Gas in Oman and with Shell Nigeria. Held different professional roles, including middle management and executive leadership roles. Responsibilities included delivery of shareholders (Government and Private) objectives and mandates viz Oil & Gas targets safely and economically. Delivery of strategic mandates, including but not limited to delivering small, medium, and large Projects, with low to high risks and complexities. Delivering of stakeholders and 3rd parties’ responsibilities; delivering and management through employees of diversified expertise, background, culture, and nationalities. |
- Palgrave Handbook of Knowledge Management (2018), Palgrave Publishing – 2 Chapters: KM & Organisational Performance and KM in the Public Sector.
- A guide to global best practice and Standards in Knowledge Management, 2019 (Ark Group): Supporting and Resourcing for KM in relation to ISO 30401 20018
- The KM Cookbook, (2019), Collison, Corney, Leng. :: Creating value in Oman: KM in PDO
- The KM Handbook (2019) Lambe and Milton: PDO`s Initial Reflections on the new ISO KM 30401 Standard
Present: KnowledgeDesk- Founder
Previous: PDO- KM Architect- 9 Years
22+ years in KM across various industry
Diploma In Electronics and communication
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication
Accredited ISO 30401 KMS Auditor and Certifier
Santhosh Shekar is an accredited ISO 30401 knowledge management System (KMS) auditor and certifier, with over 22+ years of experience in establishing successful Knowledge management initiatives/Programs, Innovation management, Startup mentoring, Organization Development and learning. He has worked with a wide spectrum of industry segments implementing knowledge management programs using various technologies and practices. Santhosh has published a book titled “Design Knowledge Management System” which is the first of its first-of-its-kind practical manual for the KM and KM standard implementation.
He has been strongly propagating the ISO 30401 KMS standard adaptation for the organizations to establish them as formal KM functions and programs. For this purpose, he runs the KnowledgeDesk YouTube Channel for free education on KM/KM Standard; and hosts #knowledgewebcast interviews with Global KM experts and executives. He is part of the SEA-MIKE Award Jury Panel.
Mr Shekar is ITIL Foundation Certified; Certified Knowledge Manager from KM Institute, US; Member and Fellow of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, UK.
Furthermore, he has worked extensively on ISO 9001 organizational knowledge, AutoSPICE KM, and MIKE requirements in organizations. He has also served as an ISO 20000 internal auditor. He coaches the organizations/Individuals to establish effective Organizational KM, AI_KM, Learning and Innovation! Develops
Critically Acclaimed “Design Knowledge Management System”
“If Project Managers have PMBOK Guide, and engineers have standards institutes, now KM practitioners have Santhosh’ guide for implementing ISO 30401 KMS standard. Very well thought step-by-step process covering different organizational aspect of KM. Highly recommended for KM leaders who want to put in place a disciplined approach for knowledge management in their organizations.”– Rachard, GE Knowledge Leader, France
There are dozens of books and bodies of knowledge on how to design Knowledge Management Systems. However, this is the first book to speak in the language of the KM ISO standard 30401, and therefore has two unique advantages: easing the design of such systems for those who seek for ISO certification; and, serving as the North Star to excellence in KM, for whoever wishes to rely on the global collaborative knowledge of a first-class team of experts who designed the standard.
– Dr. Moria Levy, ISO 30401 Project Leader

Office Address:
Office address138/1, 2nd floor, Ship Mall, AL Gubrah, Muscat Oman Postal code 130
Mobile No.
+968 93272325